Thursday, November 19, 2009

Heart of the matter: The spirit of Mumbai has come back to haunt us...

Heart of the matter: The spirit of Mumbai has come back to haunt us...

1 comment:

Spitfirepoetess said...

Hi Rashmi, I am a correspondent with CNN-IBN. We'd like to feature you as a blogger on our Citizen Journalsit show. My email is neenaz . i @ gmail . com OR
neenazbomi . ichaporia @ network18online . com (Pls eliminate the spaces when your typing my email address. I had to write it like this because otherwise blogger doesn't allow me to publish the comment). Please get in touch as soon as you get this. If you email me your cell number, I can call asap. I am not publishing my cell number here as it's a public forum. Thanks, Neenaz I